تهنئة من القلب
رؤية المدرسة ورسالتها
الرؤيـــــــــــــــة **********
بناء جيل قادر على المنافسة من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية واستخدام التقنيات التكنولوجية المتاحة في ظل قيادة وحوكمة رشيدة تعمل في ضوء المعايير القومية لجودة التعليم.
الرســــــــــــــالة **********
ربط العلوم المختلفة بحاجات المجتمع وجعل العلم هو الوسيلة الفاعلة فى إصلاح البيئة والتقدم بالوطن بتـنمية روح الولاء والانتماء لدى المعلمين والعاملين وذلك من خلال تفعيل دور المشاركة المجتمعية والتـنمية المهنية المستدامة للمتعلمين والعاملين على أحدث نظم التكنولوجيا وتفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم النشط وفق معايير نواتج التعلم المستهدفة المواضيع الأخيرة
هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 583 عُضو.آخر عُضو مُسجل هو janamedhat فمرحباً به.
أعضاؤنا قدموا 4407 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 1771 موضوع
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المدرسة التجريبية للغات
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
mab_eg | ||||
Dina Al-said | ||||
Abdel-rahman | ||||
mohamed gamal rezk | ||||
ahmed badr | ||||
karim reda | ||||
Adham.7ussien | ||||
gadm |
poetry rain bow
2 مشترك
المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود :: التعليم العام :: التعليم الاعدادي :: الصف الثالث ع :: اللغات E & F
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
poetry rain bow
The Rainbow
· In the first two lines, the poet expresses his happiness when he sees a rainbow in the sky. This is to show his love for nature.
· In lines (3,4,5,6), the poet talks about himself and Nature. He says that our love for Nature (the rainbow) is born with us and it grows with us as we grow older. He compares Nature to Man’s life. The poet is mortal and Nature is immortal.
· In this line the poet sums up his philosophy. The child gains his love for nature first. This love continues when he grows up and become a man. So the experience of the child comes before the experience of the man. So the child can be the teacher (the father) of the man.
· In the last two lines, the poet sums up his love for nature. He wishes to spend all his days in peace and harmony with the beauty of nature and to show love and respect for God.
Main idea
= What does the poet want to convey?
1. He wants to show his deep love for nature (as a romantic poet).
2. He wants to show us that nature is everlasting because it represents God.
3. He wants to convey his philosophy
(The child is father of the Man)
1. What does the poet describe in the first two lines?
2. When do we acquire our love for nature?
3. Explain the comparison in this poem.
The poet compares the continuity of nature (the rainbow) to the continuity of Man. Nature is everlasting but Man is mortal.
4. “The child is father of the Man” - Explain-
5. What’s the poet’s wish in the last lines?
6. “And I could wish my days to be,
Bound each to each by natural piety”
a) who wrote these lines?
b) What sort of poet is he?
c) Give the rhyme scheme.
d) What’s the poet’s wish in the above lines?
7. “Or let me die!”
How does this line show that man is mortal but nature is immortal?
8. What philosophy did Wordworth mention in the poem?
9. Mention some aspects of the Romantic poetry.
10. Trace the romantic features in William Wordsworth poem (the rainbow).
· In the first two lines, the poet expresses his happiness when he sees a rainbow in the sky. This is to show his love for nature.
· In lines (3,4,5,6), the poet talks about himself and Nature. He says that our love for Nature (the rainbow) is born with us and it grows with us as we grow older. He compares Nature to Man’s life. The poet is mortal and Nature is immortal.
Nature is everlasting and unchangeable.
The child is father of the Man |
· In this line the poet sums up his philosophy. The child gains his love for nature first. This love continues when he grows up and become a man. So the experience of the child comes before the experience of the man. So the child can be the teacher (the father) of the man.
· In the last two lines, the poet sums up his love for nature. He wishes to spend all his days in peace and harmony with the beauty of nature and to show love and respect for God.
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] | Personification in “My heart leaps ….” He personifies his heart as a person jumping with joy and happiness. Contrast in “my life began” and “die” “child” and “man” Comparison in “or let me die” He compares himself to nature. His life is mortal because he will die one day. But nature is immortal |
Main idea
= What does the poet want to convey?
1. He wants to show his deep love for nature (as a romantic poet).
2. He wants to show us that nature is everlasting because it represents God.
3. He wants to convey his philosophy
(The child is father of the Man)
1. What does the poet describe in the first two lines?
2. When do we acquire our love for nature?
3. Explain the comparison in this poem.
The poet compares the continuity of nature (the rainbow) to the continuity of Man. Nature is everlasting but Man is mortal.
4. “The child is father of the Man” - Explain-
5. What’s the poet’s wish in the last lines?
6. “And I could wish my days to be,
Bound each to each by natural piety”
a) who wrote these lines?
b) What sort of poet is he?
c) Give the rhyme scheme.
d) What’s the poet’s wish in the above lines?
7. “Or let me die!”
How does this line show that man is mortal but nature is immortal?
8. What philosophy did Wordworth mention in the poem?
9. Mention some aspects of the Romantic poetry.
10. Trace the romantic features in William Wordsworth poem (the rainbow).
ahmed badr- عدد المساهمات : 270
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/10/2010
بطاقة الشخصية
الاسم: bright star
رد: poetry rain bow
thanx Mr
Abdel-rahman- عدد المساهمات : 609
العمر : 29
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2010
بطاقة الشخصية
الاسم: عبد الرحمن سعيد محمود
المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود :: التعليم العام :: التعليم الاعدادي :: الصف الثالث ع :: اللغات E & F
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
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