المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم ....
زائرنا الكريم يسرنا أن تنضم إلي أسرتنا لتستمتع بكل ما نقدمه من خدمات تعليمية وخاصة للتعليم العام ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي ..والجامعي ايضا .. وكذلك الحوارات المفتوحة والجريئة ومنتدي الابداع للجميع والمنتدي الثقافي والديني العام لكل من لديه هواية او موهبة او موضوع للمناقشة في كل المجالات بالاضافة لعشاق الرياضة والفن والسياسة والاجتماع .... إلخ.
المشرف العام ..أ: محمود عبد البصير محمود

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم ....
زائرنا الكريم يسرنا أن تنضم إلي أسرتنا لتستمتع بكل ما نقدمه من خدمات تعليمية وخاصة للتعليم العام ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي ..والجامعي ايضا .. وكذلك الحوارات المفتوحة والجريئة ومنتدي الابداع للجميع والمنتدي الثقافي والديني العام لكل من لديه هواية او موهبة او موضوع للمناقشة في كل المجالات بالاضافة لعشاق الرياضة والفن والسياسة والاجتماع .... إلخ.
المشرف العام ..أ: محمود عبد البصير محمود
المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
تهنئة من القلب
جميع العاملين بالمدرسة وأولياء الأمور يتقدمون بخالص التهاني لمدير المدرسة وللقائمين علي العمل بالمدرسة بمناسبة حصولهم  علي الجودة في التعليم

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رؤية المدرسة ورسالتها
الرؤيـــــــــــــــة ********** بناء جيل قادر على المنافسة من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية واستخدام التقنيات التكنولوجية المتاحة في ظل قيادة وحوكمة رشيدة تعمل في ضوء المعايير القومية لجودة التعليم. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** الرســــــــــــــالة ********** ربط العلوم المختلفة بحاجات المجتمع وجعل العلم هو الوسيلة الفاعلة فى إصلاح البيئة والتقدم بالوطن بتـنمية روح الولاء والانتماء لدى المعلمين والعاملين وذلك من خلال تفعيل دور المشاركة المجتمعية والتـنمية المهنية المستدامة للمتعلمين والعاملين على أحدث نظم التكنولوجيا وتفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم النشط وفق معايير نواتج التعلم المستهدفة
المواضيع الأخيرة
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المدرسة التجريبية للغات

المدرسة التجريبية للغات

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2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف ahmed badr الخميس 30 ديسمبر 2010, 5:46 am

(keep - grow – to get ) Farmers keep hens to get eggs. They keep cows to get milk and meat. They keep sheep to get wool and meat. They grow wheat to get flour. 8- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of sentences: (The words in the box may help you.) (A carpenter ) (hammer – nails – pliers – saw) The carpenter uses a lot of tools. He uses a hammer to get nails into wood. He uses nails to join wood together. He uses pliers to cut or hold metal. He uses a saw to cut wood. 8- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of sentences: (The words in the box may help you.) (information – accurately – doctors – invent) Computers can store information. They do sums accurately. Doctors use computers to look inside their patient's body. Computers are the most important inventions. ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences on "The work of a doctor": "I work as a doctor in a hospital" Guiding words -Look after - patient -medicine -injured -accidents I look after patients. I give them medicine. I help injured people. I help people who have accidents. 8-Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences on "An accident": -Adel was playing football yesterday. Guiding words: - fall. - break leg. - ambulance. - hospital. - doctor. He fell off while he was playing. He broke his leg. The ambulance took him to hospital. The doctor helped him. ______________________________________________________________ Finish the following dialogues: Usama :What do you do in your spare time? Ali : I read books. Usama : What books do you like to read? Ali :I like to read books about science . Usama :When do you read them? Ali I like to read them before I sleep. 4. Finish the following dialogue between Hany and Samy who went to the market: Hany Did you buy anything today? Samy I bought eggs and cheese. Hany What else did you buy ? Samy I bought I bought fish and meat. Hany Where did you buy them? Samy I bought them at the market. 5. Finish the following dialogue between Huda and Sarah: Huda: Where did you go last Friday? Sarah : I went to the zoo to the zoo. Huda: How did you go there? Sarah: I went there by bus. Huda: What did you see? Sarah: I saw lions, giraffes and elephants. 6- Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues 1- Huda and Salwa about Salwa's date of birth Huda : What's your date of birth, Salwa? Salwa : 22nd of April 1995. 2- Between a teacher and a pupil about his family Teacher: How many brothers and sisters have you got ? Pupil: I have one brother and two sisters. 3-Going to school late. Tamer: We are late for school. What should we do? Hani : You should take the bus. 4-Helping with the housework. b) Hala : What were you doing all morning yesterday? Samir : I was doing the housework with Mum all morning yesterday. 5-In the science lab. Teacher : What does water turn into when it boils? Student : It turns into water vapour. 6-Samia ask Hani about the meaning of a word. Samia : What does a drop mean ? Hani : It means a very small amount of liquid. 7- A is asking B about his breakfast. A: When were you having breakfast? B: I was having breakfast at seven thirty. _______________________________________________________________________ choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d 1-Making models is a hobby……………Ahmed enjoys a lot. a- where b-which c-who d-when 2-Ahmed saw a friend in the shop …………..he goes to buy sweets a-where b- which c-what d-who 4-Ahmed spoke to his friend …………..was surprised to see him a- where b-which c-who d-when 5-The school ……...……..Ahmed studies is near his flat a-where b- which c-what d-who 5- We kept money in a ………….to be away from thieves. a- tin b- book c-kitchen d- safe 6- ............... can do sums very quickly. a -Carpenters b- Compasses c-Computers 7 -...............................my instructions and you'll understand what to do. a -Go b- Follow c -Walk 8 -Computers will............................... be cheaper in fifty years. a -accurately b- flexibly c- probably 9 -Computers can ............................... lots of electronic information. a -continue b -store c- switch on 10 -Programs are ............................... which tell computers what to do. a -instructions b- quantities c -noises 11 -In a few years, we will probably drive ............................. cars. a -electric b -flexible c -terrified 12- Nadia bought a kilo of flour to make some bread. Flour is………….. a -a kind of plant b-a product from wheat c- a product from chickens 13 - Greedy means…… a-taking more than you need b- needing money c- very hungry 14- The farmer used a tractor to plough his field before he planted his crops. A tractor is …………. a- a machine b- a tool c- an animal 15- Farmers keep a lot of useful animals on their farms. Keep means………….. a buy and sell b own and look after c use and help 16- Wool is…… a- made of cotton b -made of animal hair c -made of plastic 17- Hazem decided to ...................... a place on the train. a-reserve b- buy c -sit d -stand 18 -Sally, Soha and Ahmed met near the……………of the Great Pyramid. a -way b -window c- entrance d end 19 -They went to see the ancient…………….in the museum. a -tomb b- treasures c- tickets d -car 20 -………..Ahmed comes home from school, he's going to make himself a cup of tea a -As b -Soon c- So d- As soon as 21 -Hazem is going to meet ………………. from London. a -kings b- sailors c- tourists d- farmers 22- Hazem really enjoys ...................... lunch at home. a -to eat b- eat c-eating d- ate 23 -Soha .................... to send e-mails to Ann. a-doesn't want b- don't want c- aren't wanting 24 -Would you like ………………… to the swimming pool tonight, Ahmed? a- to go b-went c- going d –go 25 -Soha would prefer……………letters to Ann. a- to send b- send c- sent d-sending 26 -Ahmed likes computers but he isn't interested in ..................... a -to paint b- paints c- painting 27 -What would you like ……………, an apple or a banana? a- to eat b- eat c- eating 28 -Ahmed has a lot of homework and doesn't want ……………. TV. a -watch b- to watch c- watching 29 -A line of high water online sea is called a……………… a- ocean b- storm c- wind d-wave 30 -……………means to drop water, milk, juice or other things. a -Pump b- Spill c- Test d –Spell 31 -The name of a very large sea is .................... a -a lake b- a river c- a wave d- an ocean 32 -When something goes down under the water, you can say that it a -floats b- practises c- sinks d- swims 33 -When we want to count the energy in food, we count the ................ a -calories b- metres c- litres d- sweets 34 -The kind and quantity of food which we eat is called our …………… a -diet b- energy c- menu d- health 35- When water freezes, it turns into.............................. . a -ice b- vapour c- drops d- rain 36 -This is the shop............................. my mother buys our clothes. a -when b -what c- who d- where 37 -In the future, Ahmed .............................. drive a car. a -will be able to b- is able to c -can d- has been able to 38 -This chocolate ............................ sweet and delicious. a -touches b -looks c -tastes d- feels 39 -Yoghurt has fewer............................ than ice cream. a- calories b -taste c- milk d -food 40 -If you don't ............................. hard for the exam, you won't pass. a -studying b -to study c -study d- studied 41 -When water boils, it..... .............. a -sinks b -condenses c- freezes d- evaporates 42 -Hazem isn't good at singing . Choose the correct answer: 1- A (hotel manager – scientist – doctor) meets lots of tourists. 2- My mother is a scientist, she works (on – at – with) the university. 3- My family has moved to (lives – lived – live) in Cairo. 4- To travel from a country to another, you need a (book – bag – passport). 5- How (long – old – much) will you stay in the hotel? 6- Where (is – am – were) you born? 7- What's your (language – hobby – nationality)? I am Egyptian. 8- Plants get water from the (sky – sea – soil). 9- People get (dry – wet – hot) when they swim. 10- We put wet clothes in the sun to (dry – fly – wash). 11- The sun (rise – rose – rises) in the east. 12- (Are – Do – Did) you good at science? Yes, I am. 13- Look, Ali (boils – boil – is boiling) some water. 14- Sara is playing (at – on – with) her toys. 15- Evaporation is turning water into (ice – water vapour – air). 16- Steam is made of (big – huge – tiny) drops of water. 17- When you (heat – cool – freeze) water it turns into ice. 18- When you (boil – freeze – cool) water it turns into water vapor. 19- Hot air (rises – falls – flies). 20- Water vapour rises high into the sky because it's very (big – light- small). 21- High in the sky, the air is very (cold – warm – hot). 22- We do science experiments in the (playground – laboratory – class). 23- I want to make a cup of tea (and – but – so) there isn't any sugar. 24- It was very hot, (and – but – so) he opened the window. 25- She went to the market (and – but – so) bought some fruit. 26- A carpenter is a person (who – which – where) uses lots of tools. 27- A (saw – hammer – drill) is used to make holes. 28- Carpenters use (saws – hammers – nails) to cut wood. 29- A saw is used to (cut – cuts – cutting) wood. 30- A knife is used (in – for – to) cutting food. 31- Pliers (are – is – was) used to hold metal. 32- Your (friend – classmate – neighbour) is a person who lives next to you. 33- He went to the clinic (who – which – where) he works. 34- There were two boys (play – playing – played) in the street. 35- A photograph is a person who takes (stories – photos – books). 36- A (butcher – policeman – photograph) was cutting meat. 37- A (school – cave – café) is a place where you can drink tea or coffee. 38- Mothers look (at – after – for) their children. 35- Computers are (books – brains – machines) which follow instructions 36- Computers are the (good – most – well) important inventions. 37- Most books are made with the help (at – of – off) computers. 38- Computers are used in banks to store information about people's (age – address – money). 39- We use computers at homes to send (letters – papers – e-mails). 40- (Doctors – teachers – pilots) use computers to look inside their patients bodies. 41- He is a farmer, (is – isn't – didn't) he? 42- Have you ever (be – bee – been) to a farm? 43- Farmers keep sheep to get (wool – wood – wall). 44- (Where – Why – What) do go to school? to learn. 45- Farmers grow (cotton – rice – wheat) to get flour. 46- Have you ever (use – uses – used) a mobile? 47- Farmers keep hens to get (milk – eggs – wool). 48- Yesterday the farmer (buy – bought – buying) some hens. 49- The farmer went to the market to (buy – buying – bought) hens. 50- The hens (lay – lie – lee) eggs. 51- The farmer found a (golden – wooden – plastic) egg. 52- A (kind – good – greedy) is a person who wants more and more. 53- They became rich (but – so – because) they became greedy. 54- The farmer and (his – her – their) wife killed all the hens. 55- As soon as he (arrive – arrives – arrived), he will do the homework. 56- After a taxi arrives, she (leave – left – is going to) leave. 57- The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as (rooms – parks – tombs). 58- I'd like to be your pen (man – boy – friend). 59- We have a (page – website – map) on the internet. 60- The website is (at – of – for) boys and girls. 61- It's a (free – far – from) without any money. 62- I'd like to write (on – in – with) Arabic.
ahmed badr
ahmed badr

عدد المساهمات : 270
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/10/2010

بطاقة الشخصية
الاسم: bright star

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف Abdel-rahman الخميس 30 ديسمبر 2010, 2:41 pm

والله يا مستر مش عارفين نشكرك ازاى

عدد المساهمات : 609
العمر : 28
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2010

بطاقة الشخصية
الاسم: عبد الرحمن سعيد محمود

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

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