المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم ....
زائرنا الكريم يسرنا أن تنضم إلي أسرتنا لتستمتع بكل ما نقدمه من خدمات تعليمية وخاصة للتعليم العام ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي ..والجامعي ايضا .. وكذلك الحوارات المفتوحة والجريئة ومنتدي الابداع للجميع والمنتدي الثقافي والديني العام لكل من لديه هواية او موهبة او موضوع للمناقشة في كل المجالات بالاضافة لعشاق الرياضة والفن والسياسة والاجتماع .... إلخ.
المشرف العام ..أ: محمود عبد البصير محمود

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم ....
زائرنا الكريم يسرنا أن تنضم إلي أسرتنا لتستمتع بكل ما نقدمه من خدمات تعليمية وخاصة للتعليم العام ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي ..والجامعي ايضا .. وكذلك الحوارات المفتوحة والجريئة ومنتدي الابداع للجميع والمنتدي الثقافي والديني العام لكل من لديه هواية او موهبة او موضوع للمناقشة في كل المجالات بالاضافة لعشاق الرياضة والفن والسياسة والاجتماع .... إلخ.
المشرف العام ..أ: محمود عبد البصير محمود
المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
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رؤية المدرسة ورسالتها
الرؤيـــــــــــــــة ********** بناء جيل قادر على المنافسة من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية واستخدام التقنيات التكنولوجية المتاحة في ظل قيادة وحوكمة رشيدة تعمل في ضوء المعايير القومية لجودة التعليم. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** الرســــــــــــــالة ********** ربط العلوم المختلفة بحاجات المجتمع وجعل العلم هو الوسيلة الفاعلة فى إصلاح البيئة والتقدم بالوطن بتـنمية روح الولاء والانتماء لدى المعلمين والعاملين وذلك من خلال تفعيل دور المشاركة المجتمعية والتـنمية المهنية المستدامة للمتعلمين والعاملين على أحدث نظم التكنولوجيا وتفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم النشط وفق معايير نواتج التعلم المستهدفة
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هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 583 عُضو.
آخر عُضو مُسجل هو janamedhat فمرحباً به.

أعضاؤنا قدموا 4407 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 1771 موضوع
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المدرسة التجريبية للغات

المدرسة التجريبية للغات

king lear

اذهب الى الأسفل

king lear Empty king lear

مُساهمة من طرف ahmed badr السبت 18 ديسمبر 2010, 12:54 pm

A diagram of characters
King Lear: the king of Britain
King of France
Duke of Burgundy
Duke of Cornwall
Duke of Albany
Earl of kent
Edgar: lawful son of the Earl of Gloucester
Edmund: natural son of the Earl of Gloucester
A fool
Goneril – Regan-Cordelia

A- Answer the following questions:

1. Who is Lear? Who are his daughters?

Lear was the king of Britain and he had 3 daughters Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.

2. What did Lear decide to do?
He decided to give the country to his three daughters.

3. Why does Lear ask how much his daughters love him?
In order to decide how to share the country between them.

4. What would happen when he gave them the country?
His daughters will rule instead of him- He will stay with each daughter in turn for a month.

5. What did he do in order to decide?

He asked them to say how much they loved him

6. What did Goneril say in reply to his question?
She said that she loved him as much as life, and more than anything else.

7. How did Lear react/ reward her for her answer?
He was pleased and gave her one third of the land.

8. What did Regan say in response? / How much did Regan say she loves her father?
She said that she loved her father more than Goneril did.

9. How did Lear feel? What did he give Regan and her husband?
He was very pleased and gave her another third of land.

10. Who was Cordelia?

Cordelia was king Lear's youngest daughter and his favourite.

11. What was Lear sure she would say?
He was sure she would say that she loved him more than her sisters.

12. Why didn’t Cordelia say that she loves him more?
Because she didn’t want to compete with her sisters in boasting about her love for her father.

13. How was Cordelia's answer different from the answers her sisters give?
It is honest and realistic.

14. What did Cordelia say about her love to her father? Why?
She said that she loved him as much as a daughter should love her father.

15. Why was Lear shocked of her answer?
Because he was sure she would say that she loved him more than her sisters.

16. What did he ask her to do after her surprising reply?

17. To think more and give a better answer.

18. How did Cordelia answer to that? / Was Cordelia's second answer different?

She gave him the same answer.

19. How did Lear feel after she said that? What did he say?
He was shocked. He said that Cordelia was no longer his daughter.

20. What does Lear do as a result of this answer, and why is his action so shocking?

He gives Cordelia’s share to her sisters and said she is no longer his daughter. People are shocked because they know Cordelia loved him.

21. Why/ When did Lear say Cordelia wasn't his daughter?

Because she didn't say she loves him as much as her sisters do, and she insisted on that.

22. What did he do with Cordelia's shareنصيب ?

He gave it to her sisters so they now each have half of the country.

23. What terrible mistake does Lear make as a result of his daughters' words?

Saying that she was no longer his daughter.- giving his power to Goneril and Regan.

24. Who is the only person who advised Lear?

The Earl of Kent

25. What did the Earl of Kent tell Lear about Cordelia?

He told Lear that Cordelia was his favourite daughter and she loved him very much.

26. Did Lear listen to Kent' advise? If not, what did he do?
No, he sent Kent away.

27. Why did the Duke of Burgundy refuse to marry Cordelia?
Because she has nothing.

28. From what did the sisters warn each other?
They warned each other that there was something wrong with Lear’s mind, and in the future he might turn against them.

29. How does Goneril ask her servant to treat Lear's men?

Goneril told her servants to be rude and quarrel with them.

30. Why did Kent hit Goneril's servant?

Because he spoke disgracefully to Lear.

31. Why did Lear send a letter to Regan? What did he tell her in that letter?

To say that he is coming to stay with her .

32. What did Goneril complain about in her letter to Regan?

That her father's men are noisy and expensive.

33. Why did Regan order her men to make Kent a prisoner?

Because he hits Goneril messenger to Regan .

34. Why did Goneril come to Regan?

To warn her that his cruel treatment of Lear to Cordelia shows that there is something with his mind .

35. What did Regan ask father to do?

- go home with Goneril - send away fifty of his men

- ask Goneril to forgive him for being angry and thinking too much of himself.

36. What did Lear remind Regan and Goneril of?

He gave them his kingdom.

37. Why did Lear say Goneril loves him twice as much as Regan?

38. Because Goneril allowed him to keep twice as men as she offered to keep.

39. Goneril allowed him to keep 50 men but Regan said that 50 are too many and she would accept

40. What did Lear come to realize?

-His two elder daughters felt no love or kindness to him.

-Giving everything had been a terrible mistake.- -He had lost all his power

41. Why did Lear go out in the storm? / why didn’t Lear accept his daughters offer of shelter?

Because He can't bear his daughters cruel treatment and ingratitude. His daughters didn't agree to shelter even one of his men.

42. Who went out in the storm with Lear?

Kent and the fool.

43. Why does the Earl of Gloucester feel sorry for king Lear?

He cannot bear Lear's daughters cruel treatment to their father.

44. What did Kent do when he found out that Cordelia and the king of France come to England?

-He sent Cordelia a letter to explain what had happened.-He went looking for Lear.

45. Why was Cordelia and her husband coming to England?/ what was the king of France and Cordelia's plan?

To rescue Lear from his cruel daughters.

46. Why do you think Lear went mad?

Because his daughters have treated him badly that his mind can not bear his feelings of anger and sorrow.

47. Where did Kent and Lear take shelter? Who did they find there?

They took shelter in a small dirty hut. They found Edgar.

48. Why were Goneril and Regan jealous of each other?
Because each knew that the other wanted to marry Edmund, and each wanted to make sure
that she herself would win him.

49. How did Albany know about Goneril's plan to kill him?
Edgar gave a letter to Albany. The letter is from Goneril to Edmund.

50. Who lead the English army? Who won the battle?
Edmund led the English army and he won.

51. What happened to Lear and Cordelia after the battle?
They were captured and put in prison..

52. What did Edmund order his soldiers to do with Cordelia and Lear in the letter?
To kill them secretly.


What did the two sisters, Regan and Goneril, quarrel about?
They quarreled about Edmund.

54. Why did Regan collapse?
Because Goneril had poisoned her.

55. Why did Goneril poison Regan?
She is jealous and she is afraid that Edmund will marry Regan.

56. How did Gloucester die?

By a heart attack.

57. What makes Goneril desperate?
Her husband knew about Edmund and her.

58. Why did Albany arrest Edmund?
He wants to bring Edmund to justice for his treason.

59. What did Goneril do when she realized her husband knew about Edmund and her?
She ran away and killed herself with a knife in the heart.

60. Why was Lear not afraid of imprisonment? What makes Lear happy to go to prison?
He will be with Cordelia.

61. What do you think makes Edmund try to save the lives of Lear and Cordelia at the last minute?
He wants to do something good before he dies.

62. What happy end you suggest for the play?

Cordelia's army wins, and she and her father go back to live with each other.

63. How many of the main characters die by the end, and how does each one die?
Cordelia is killed in prison - Lear dies of a broken heart
Regan is poisoned by Goneril-Goneril kills herself.
Regan’s husband, Cornwall, dies from the servant’s sword attack.
Gloucester has a heart attack- Edmund is killed by his brother.

64. How are we given hope of a happy ending towards the end?
Edmund tells Albany that there may be time to save Lear and Cordelia from death.

65. How is that hope destroyed at the end?
It is too late to save Cordelia. She is killed, and Lear died of a broken heart.

B- Complete the following:

66. When Lear asked Cordelia, he expected……that she would say she loves him more than her sisters

67. Unlike her sisters, Cordelia's answer to her father was………..honest and realistic.

68. Lear was shocked of Cordelia's answer because………..he loves her more than her sister and he expected that she would say she loves him more than her sisters………..

69. Because Cordelia didn't want to compete with her sisters in boasting about………..their lover to their father----she---answered a realistic and honest answer.

70. When Cordelia said she loves him like any daughter Lear……….. Lear gave her share to Regan and Goneril and said she was no longer his daughter.

71. Lear gave Cordelia's share to Regan and Goneril as………..he didn't like her answer/ she didn't say she loves him more………..

72. Lear was upset by Goneril's behaviour that he………..cursed her and couldn't bear her cruel treatment so he goes out in the storm ………..

73. Lear cursed Goneril and wished that if she had a child, it would torment يعذبها her

74. Goneril had already come to tell her sister….that Lear's men are noisy and expensive and that she take care because their father can do with them what he did to Cordelia.

75. The two sisters warned each other………that the cruel treatment of Lear to Cordelia shows that there is something with his mind…….. .

76. Regan blames Lear and his knights for……. Edgar’s evil plan to kill his father

77. Goneril warned her sister that Lear's men……. are noisy and expensive……….

78. Lear says Goneril loves him twice as much as Reagan because…She allowed him to keep his men…

79. Lear wanted to see his daughter and her husband to ask about Kent but……….he was told that they were too tired to see him.

80. Lear realized he had made a mistake when ……. he saw that has lost all his power, and his elder daughters feel no love for him …….

81. Lear felt that he could not stay with either daughter so he… went out into the stor.

82. Kent, Lear's messenger is imprisoned because…he hit Oswald, Goneril's messenger.

83. Lear rejected the shelter of his two daughters and went out into a………. storm.

84. Goneril and Regan said that if their father was suffering…., he himself was the one to blame

85. Lear refuses to come back to the castle with Gloucester because…they didn't allow him to keep any of his men.

86. Lear goes mad because ……….. his daughters have treated him so badly.

87. When Kent found out that the king of France had come to England with Cordelia, he sent a letter to them to tell them what happened to Lear and ask them for help………..

88. Lear's sorrow and anger had become too great for him to bear so he …. he went mad

89. The Duke of Albany feels his wife Goneril is evil because …… she has helped Regan and Cornwall to make Lear go mad and to blind Gloucester.

90. Albany had come to hate what Goneril made because……he feels his wife Goneril is evil as she has helped Regan and Cornwall to make Lear go mad and to blind Gloucester.

91. Albany decided to punish Edmund…… he betrayed his father to Cornwall’s cruelty…….

92. King Lear expects Cordelia to be angry with him because…… has behaved very badly towards her.

93. Goneril had written a letter to Edmund telling him to kill her husband because…….… her husband, Albany, has turned against her, and she wants to marry Edmund.

94. When Goneril learned that The Duke of Cornwall died……….…she became very jealous and she is afraid that Edmund will marry Regan so she decides to get rid of her sister.

95. Complete:
135. Goneril wants Edmund to murder her husband because …..she cannot marry Edmund while her husband is still alive .
136. Lear was not afraid of imprisonment as……….. he will be with Cordelia
137. Before his father's death Edgar told him that………… he was his son
Answer the following questions:

1-Why didn't Lear go to see Cordelia in Dover?
Because he felt ashamed of the way he had behaved towards her.

2-How did Lear explain his own bad luck?
He said that the poor and powerless are always the ones who are punished for their crimes,
while the rich and powerful do the same things and not punished.

3-What was the first sign that Lear's madness was beginning to disappear?
He recognized Gloucester.

4-Why did Goneril write a letter to Edmund? What did Goneril ask Edgar to do in the letter she sent?
She told him to kill her husband Albany so that he could marry her.

5-Describe Lear and Cordelia's meeting.

Lear was afraid that she didn'd forgive him but When Cordelia found Lear, her doctor gave him some medicine. He begins to recover from his madness, and realises that she has forgiven him. So he beomes very happy.

6-How does Lear's life change for the better?
He is helped to reach safety with the King of France’s army. He meets Cordelia again, and
realizes that she has forgiven him. He begins to recover from his madness.
ahmed badr
ahmed badr

عدد المساهمات : 270
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/10/2010

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