المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم ....
زائرنا الكريم يسرنا أن تنضم إلي أسرتنا لتستمتع بكل ما نقدمه من خدمات تعليمية وخاصة للتعليم العام ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي ..والجامعي ايضا .. وكذلك الحوارات المفتوحة والجريئة ومنتدي الابداع للجميع والمنتدي الثقافي والديني العام لكل من لديه هواية او موهبة او موضوع للمناقشة في كل المجالات بالاضافة لعشاق الرياضة والفن والسياسة والاجتماع .... إلخ.
المشرف العام ..أ: محمود عبد البصير محمود

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم ....
زائرنا الكريم يسرنا أن تنضم إلي أسرتنا لتستمتع بكل ما نقدمه من خدمات تعليمية وخاصة للتعليم العام ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي ..والجامعي ايضا .. وكذلك الحوارات المفتوحة والجريئة ومنتدي الابداع للجميع والمنتدي الثقافي والديني العام لكل من لديه هواية او موهبة او موضوع للمناقشة في كل المجالات بالاضافة لعشاق الرياضة والفن والسياسة والاجتماع .... إلخ.
المشرف العام ..أ: محمود عبد البصير محمود
المدرسة الرسمية للغات بطوخ طنبشا - تحت إشراف أ/ محمود عبد البصير محمود
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
تهنئة من القلب
جميع العاملين بالمدرسة وأولياء الأمور يتقدمون بخالص التهاني لمدير المدرسة وللقائمين علي العمل بالمدرسة بمناسبة حصولهم  علي الجودة في التعليم

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Rechercher بحث متقدم

رؤية المدرسة ورسالتها
الرؤيـــــــــــــــة ********** بناء جيل قادر على المنافسة من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية واستخدام التقنيات التكنولوجية المتاحة في ظل قيادة وحوكمة رشيدة تعمل في ضوء المعايير القومية لجودة التعليم. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** الرســــــــــــــالة ********** ربط العلوم المختلفة بحاجات المجتمع وجعل العلم هو الوسيلة الفاعلة فى إصلاح البيئة والتقدم بالوطن بتـنمية روح الولاء والانتماء لدى المعلمين والعاملين وذلك من خلال تفعيل دور المشاركة المجتمعية والتـنمية المهنية المستدامة للمتعلمين والعاملين على أحدث نظم التكنولوجيا وتفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم النشط وفق معايير نواتج التعلم المستهدفة
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المدرسة التجريبية للغات

how to write agood paragraph

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اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف ahmed badr السبت 18 ديسمبر 2010, 11:02 pm

How to write a paragraph

Many people need help writing a paragraph. If you don't know how to write a paragraph, it can be a difficult thing to do. Here is a way to make it easier.

Getting started on your paragraph

Before you start writing a paragraph, you need to decide two things.

1- What are you writing about?
2- What do you want to say?

The purpose of any paragraph is to express an idea. Most paragraphs consist of a few related sentences.
You can write a successful paragraph by starting off with a plan. The key to doing a successful paragraph is to break down the writing into short, simple steps.

Subject of your paragraph

Write down the subject of your paragraph. To express your subject, write only a word or phrase. Who or what are you writing about?

Pre-writing for your paragraph

Begin by brainstorming. Brainstorming doesn't involve writing complete sentences or paragraphs.
Brainstorming involves coming up with ideas using words or short phrases.

One popular way to create pre-writing ideas is to ask yourself questions about your subject. Here are some questions you might ask yourself:

1- What do I know about this subject? 2-How does this subject relate to me? 3-What do I like or dislike about this subject?
4-What words best describe it?

Write only a word or phrase in response to each question.

Building the body of your paragraph

reread all your words and phrases. Now, organize your thoughts. Decide if your brainstorming ideas are related. Do you want to add a new word or phrase or take something out? Next, decide if you like the order of your brainstorming ideas, or want to change the order.

Writing a paragraph draft

a lot of people get nervous when it's time to write. Don't worry. This is going to be your first draft. The important thing is to take your brainstorming ideas, add to them, and turn them into sentences.

Topic sentence

Reread the word or phrase about the subject of your paragraph. You are going to expand this into the first sentence of your paragraph. This first sentence, which comes at the beginning of a paragraph, is called the topic sentence. Remember that its job is to introduce your paragraph.

Paragraph body

Reread your brainstorming words or phrases for the body of your paragraph. Expand each brainstorming word or phrase into a complete sentence. These sentences explain your topic sentence by offering facts, details, or examples. Remember that the job of your paragraph body is to share an idea with your reader.

Concluding sentence

Reread your paragraph and then add another sentence that sums up the paragraph. This sentence ends your paragraph.

Reviewing and revising

Good job! You've almost completed a paragraph. But you're not done yet. Every paragraph can be improved. The way to complete a successful paragraph is by looking over your work.
Try reading your paragraph draft aloud. Ask yourself questions. Do you like the order of the sentences in your paragraph? Do you need to add words so your sentences make better sense? Are there words you could put in to improve the connection between your sentences?
Do you like your introductory sentence? Your paragraph body? Your concluding sentence?
Make at least two changes that could improve your paragraph. Remember that even professional writers make lots of changes.


It's time to check your work. Read your improved paragraph aloud slowly. Look at details of punctuation and grammar in your writing. Are your sentences complete? Do your verbs go with your nouns? Do you need to add any missing punctuation? Have you used capital letters for names and addresses? How's your spelling?
Remember that the job of proofreading improves the way you express your ideas. Try catching and changing at least five mistakes.


Congratulations on completing your paragraph! Finish by saving it on your computer, and by printing it. Share your essay with a family member, friend, classmate or teacher.
Remember, you can always write a paragraph by first brainstorming, then breaking the writing process down into short steps.

Developing the Argument

Enumerating the elements
Firstly... secondly... thirdly
On the one hand... and on the other
Adding another point
In addition to this
It must also be said that
We must also consider
Introducing an example

For example
Take for example
To illustrate this
...illustrates this point perfectly

Introducing a quotation
As X said / wrote
In the words of
To quote X
Introducing a hypothesis

It is quite possible that
...leads one to believe that
...may well be / have

Expressing certainty
All the indications are that
It is certainly true that
It is clear / certain that
It is very clear that
The truth is that
... as everyone knows
Expressing uncertainty

It is difficult to believe that
It is uncertain whether
This may be true, but
... seems likely / unlikely / porbable / possible

Emphasizing a point
It is important / vital / essential to relaize that
We must remember that
... is an important / vital / essential point
اتمنى لكم الافاده

Top of Form

Write a short paragraph about the shopping habits of classmates, using

I have a classmate. Her name is Ying. Ying likes shopping very much. She enjoys seeing beautiful things in the shopping malls. The Mall Department Store is her favorite place. Ying has one close friend, Jib. Jib loves shopping too. So Ying and Jib go shopping together every weekend. They always go to the Mall Department store in the morning by bus. Ying enjoys going to the ready-made clothing shops so they go there first. Ying likes to buy T-shirts and jeans there because they are very beautiful and not expensive. Then, they always go to the gem stores. Jib likes to buy some necklaces. There are many kinds of necklaces there. Jib always buys them for souvenirs for her friends. At noon, they have lunch at the food center. After that, they go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. Sometimes they see the movie at EGV theatre or go to the bookstores. When they finish shopping at the Mall Department Store, they go back to their dormitory in the afternoon by bus.

Sports as a mean of building body and character:
الرياضة كوسيلة لبناء الجسم والشخصية

It's given fact that practicing sports has a very great importance. Sport contributes to building our bodies perfectly.It's the best solution to obesity .It's also leads to intelligence because asound reason is in a sound body. Sports also accustom us to great values such as team-work, co-operation, punctuality , self - reliance and ambition. Nowadays, the government gives due care to sports activities.New clubs and stadiums are set up all over the country. Sports competitions are hold everywhere to encourage our youth to do their best and become a strong generation. Unless you practise sport, you will be weak , lazy and aimless

The Best Place to Visit

(California is the most wonderful place to visit because of its variety of weather and its beautiful nature. (Subject development) Visitors to California can find any whether they like. They can find cool temperatures in the summer; also they can find warm weather in the winter. They can find places that are difficult for humans to live in the summer because they are so hot. Or they can find places closed in the winter because of the snow. On the other hand, visitors can find the nature they like. They can find high mountains and low valleys. Visitors can find a huge forest, a dead desert, and a beautiful coast.(summary sentence) So California is the most wonderful place to visit because of its weather and nature.
Healthy food

Healthy food is very important for a healthy life. We must pay attention to the food we eat and the water we drink. Healthy food should be clean. You must wash the vegetables and fruit well before eating them. You must cover the food to prevent flies and insects from touching it. Healthy food should also be natural and organic. It is not good to eat food that was made by using dangerous additives. Organic food is better than inorganic ones. Foods which are prepared at home are better than fast foods. The most important thing about healthy food is that it must contain all the vital substances like vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

* pay attention to : ينتبه لــ

* additives :إضافات

* vital substances :

مواد حيوية ( أساسية )
The Mobile phone is a mixed blessing

Mobile phones are of great importance to many people in society from a businessman to an ordinary man. They can't do without. In time of emergency people need to make a phone call asking for the ambulance help. In travel, mobiles are necessary to tell other people how you are.

But some people have bad habits when using mobiles. They sometimes disturb people indoors unnecessarily at midnight. While driving, they may cause death, so the government should pass strict laws against using them while driving. However, doctors warn people of its drawbacks exposing themselves to the side effects of electromagnetic waves causing cancer. So people should use mobile phones more wisely and quietly.

* emergency :طوارئ

* indoors :داخل الأبواب

* drawbacks :عوائق

* electromagnetic :


* unnecessarily :بلا ضرورة

* exposing themselves :

معرضين نفسهم

* mixed blessing :

نعمة ونقمة

* disturb :يزعج

* strict laws :قوانين صارمة

* side effects :أثار جانبية

* warn :يحذر

* habits :عادات
A book that you have enjoyed reading

I read a wonderful book, written by Charles Dickens. Its title is Oliver Twist. Dickens wrote it in the nineteenth century. I read it last week in the school library. It is about a child who had to live in a workhouse because his mother died when he was born. In this story, Dickens shows the dark side of life in London in the nineteenth century. He describes the life of child workers and the life in the workhouse where poor people were sent to live and work. The details of characters and the workhouse are wonderful. The characters are Oliver Twist, some members of a gang and Mr. Brownlow who will adopt Oliver. I liked this book very much as it has a moral. The moral is "Good people are rewarded while bad people are punished."

Really, this is my favourite book, so I will definitely read it again.

* title :عنوان

* workhouse :إصلاحية أحداث

* are rewarded : يتم مكافئتهم

* details :تفاصيل

* members :أعضاء

* definitely :بالتأكيد

* gang :عصابة

* moral :حكمة ( فى قصة )

I think the pyramids are the most famous buildings of the historic places in the world. They are one of the seven wonders in the world. They show the greatness of our great ancestors. The pharaohs built them to bury their dead kings. They built them by using large stones and rocks which withstand all the natural disasters like the earthquakes. From all over the world, a lot of tourists come to admire these ancient building. To shed more light on that, we can say that our ancient Egyptians were great people because they left great things which make all people from all over the world admire.

To sum up I can say that our duty as Egyptians to keep these buildings either ancient or modern to enable our coming generations to enjoy them.

* wonders :عجائب

* disasters :كوارث

* generations :أجيال

* To shed more light on that :

لالقاء مزيد من الضؤ على هذا

* withstand :يقاوم

* duty :واجب

* ancestors :أجداد
** What would you like to be ? ** A job that you would like to do
when you finish your education

I would like to be a heart surgeon. This is because I like to adapt to different situations and meet different people. Also, I would like to continue to research new treatments. A surgeon can make a difference to people's lives. It's a hard job-working long hours in hospitals with the assistants and nurses around you all the time. I'm proud to be helping sick people to start a new life with healthy hearts. Our surgeons, modern hospitals and intensive cares غرف العناية المركزة help to make Egyptians healthier, and that will be good for our society and the coming generations.
Bottom of Form

ahmed badr
ahmed badr

عدد المساهمات : 270
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/10/2010

بطاقة الشخصية
الاسم: bright star

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف Abdel-rahman الإثنين 20 ديسمبر 2010, 2:51 pm

cheers cheers
thanx mr
have nic time

عدد المساهمات : 609
العمر : 28
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2010

بطاقة الشخصية
الاسم: عبد الرحمن سعيد محمود

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

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